2024 Start of the Year Information
December 7, 2023
Kia ora koutou
Welcome to He Tīwai Mātauranga Heaton Normal Intermediate School. We are looking forward to the start of the year and getting to know you and your child.
Our school starts on Thursday, 1 February 2024. Year 7 students, please meet in the school hall at 9.00 a.m. After the mihi whakatau, students will leave for their classrooms with their teachers to begin the day’s programme. Year 8 students, meet at 8.30 a.m. at the flagpole to meet Mrs Halligan, Year 8 Coordinator and Mrs Dorè, teacher in charge of Learning Support. Parents/caregivers/whānau are very welcome to stay with their child until interval at 10.15 a.m. and be part of the introductory programme.
2024 Mihi whakatau
We are having a mihi whakatau to formally welcome our new students and whānau. This will make them one with the tangata whenua (Year 8 students and staff) and will help to develop a sense of belonging, tūrangawaewae, in their classroom and within our school. For further information on a mihi whakatau please go to the link http://www.aut.ac.nz/community/maori/mihi-whakatau
We will all meet in the hall and the process will be explained. The waiata (song) Te Aroha will be sung by all Year 7 students, staff and whānau. Please go to the link so you are familiar with this waiata. Te Aroha waiata
The words for the waiata are;
Te aroha – Love
Te whakapono – Faith
Te rangimarie – And peace
Tatou, tatou e – Be amongst us all
(repeat twice then the last line again to finish)
School Communication
Please ensure the school office has the current phone numbers and email addresses for caregiver 1 and 2. Communication is key to a successful experience at Heaton Normal Intermediate School. We use the Hero App to keep you connected and updated.
Please follow the link for further information to register yourself with the following applications:
- Hero – reporting, student absence, student accounts, reporting academic progress and community notices
- Kindo – for purchasing optional items and events
Class Placement. Log in to your Hero account to gain access to your child’s information. Class placement information will be available in the afternoon on Friday, 15 December.
There will be an opportunity to meet briefly with class teachers on Wednesday, 31 January between 2.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. Please come via the school office for directions. There will be a formal teacher/parent/student interview early in the term.
Welcome morning tea. There will be a welcome morning tea for parents/whānau of new students. It will be on Thursday, 1 February from 9.30 a.m. – 10.15 a.m. in the Te Kāmata Library. This is a good opportunity to meet other parents/whānau.
Whānau information evening. This will be on Thursday, 8 February from 6.00 p.m. Please put this in your diaries now. Further information will be sent out at the beginning of the year.
Kaupekas – There are six kaupekas at Heaton. Year 7 kaupekas are Amoka, Tūrutu and Kōtukutuku. Year 8 kaupekas are Raukawa, Kōwhai and Hīnau.
Some Important Information
Are available from the our approved Heaton uniform stockist: Mainland Uniforms – 511 Wairakei Road, phone 360 3037 or 376 Ilam Road, phone 351 7666
Uniform information (uniform requirements and guidelines) can be found in the enrolment section of our website.
Sunhats/caps – It is compulsory to wear sunhats in Terms 1 and 4. The Heaton sunhat or cap are available from the canteen, and cost $20.00 each.
Physical Education Uniform – All students are required to wear the Heaton P.E. uniform
Second Hand Uniform
To facilitate the exchange/sale of second-hand uniforms, the following Facebook group is available to advertise and buy used Heaton Uniforms. We expect this will pick up in traffic at the end of the year and over the summer as our current Year 8 students finish the school year.
This group is exclusively for the sale and purchase of used uniforms for our community. We will moderate this group so you can list your items here and work directly with the buyer in a safe online space. We have given a rough price guide to assist you if you so wish.
Uniform with the previous Heaton “House” logo can be worn by students until the end of 2024.
Cellphones. Student cellphones are not permitted to be used on school grounds. If you choose to send your child to school with a cellphone, please note this is at your own risk and that it must be switched off at all times whilst at school. If you need to contact your child during the school day, we ask you do so through our office.
Skateboards are not to be brought to school at any time.
School Payments
The school donation is $260 for one child per year or $440 per family per year for two or more children. The donation enables us to offer our students a range of learning opportunities and resources that we are not able to provide from funds received from the Ministry of Education.
Education Outside the Classroom
- Year 7 students will attend activity days during Term 1. Cost to be finalised.
- Year 8 students will attend Waipara Adventure Centre in Term 1. Cost of camp is $250 per student.
School Statements will be used to invoice your donations, sports, camps and other incidentals. Statements are emailed at least once a term. Payments can be made by internet banking or eftpos. Internet banking is our preferred option.
Stationery – Year 7 and Year 8 stationery information is available in the enrolment section on the school website.
Music Tuition – Heaton is able to offer music tuition with itinerant teachers in flute, clarinet, violin, cello and brass instruments. Commercially provided lessons for drums, guitar and piano are on a user pay model. We have some instruments available for hire. Classes operate after school and during lunchtimes. Information will be sent out early in Term 1.
If you have any queries, please contact me after Thursday, 25 January.
Ngā mihi nui
James Griggs, Tumuaki/Principal, (griggsj@heaton.school.nz)