You will notice school will be closed for instruction on Friday 7th February.  Historically when there is a day between Waitangi day and a weekend, we have seen that parents and caregivers have opted to be away resulting in VERY poor attendance at school.  

Therefore, in collaboration with the some of our contributing schools, we have decided to close school on the 7th February creating a long weekend.  Please note we will still meet the Ministry of Education requirements for days open for instruction as this day is added on later in the year where attendance will be greatly improved. 

Term 1:  Monday 3 February to Friday 11 April

Term 2:  Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June

Term 3:  Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September

Term 4:  Monday 6 October to Thursday 18 December

Additional Dates in Term Time:

Waitangi Day:  Thursday 6 February

Waitangi Weekend: Friday 7 February

King’s Birthday:  Monday 2 June

MOE allocated teacher only day: Thursday 19 June

Matariki:  Friday 20 June

MOE allocated teacher only day: Monday 18 August

Labour Day:  Monday 27 October

Canterbury Anniversary Day:  Friday 14 November